path: root/README.org
diff options
authorPreston Pan <preston@nullring.xyz>2024-03-08 20:01:23 -0800
committerPreston Pan <preston@nullring.xyz>2024-03-08 20:01:23 -0800
commitf760dd68f9c8590bd9fa80132e9d4f3eaf9f1b21 (patch)
tree47b3affeb06a14c7299bd795ba0e1afdb58d1722 /README.org
parentb8dc37899991594ec1b99a662cd83447701e49be (diff)
add documentation to readme
Diffstat (limited to 'README.org')
1 files changed, 114 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index a3eb947..d51b609 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -25,4 +25,117 @@ an entry named ~Mail~, as well as a ~~/org/website/~ directory made by cloning m
git clone https://github.com/ret2pop/ret2pop-website ~/org/website/
# get music and put it in ~/music
-this process can be highly automated via [[https://github.com/nix-community/nixos-anywhere][NixOS Anywhere]].
+this process can be highly automated via [[https://github.com/nix-community/nixos-anywhere][NixOS Anywhere]]. Once you have my system with your own gpg and ssh keys,
+you can read the following section.
+* Usage
+Make sure that before you use the configuration, all the me-specific configuration is ripped out
+and replaced with yours. For instance, any mention of my name in ~configuration.nix~, ~home.nix~,
+the emacs config, or ~flake.nix~ should be replaced with mentions of your name, and stuff like server
+configurations for email or IRC should be replaced with your own configurations. The system by default
+is called ~continuity~. If you don't like this hostname, you can replace it in ~configuration.nix~ and
+~flake.nix~ with something else.
+** Hyprland
+*** Wallpaper
+To change the wallpaper, change the ~swww add~ line to another wallpaper in my
+[[https://github.com/ret2pop/wallpapers][wallpapers repository]].
+*** Keybindings
+**** Programs
+Win + Return => kitty (Terminal)
+Win + e => emacs
+Win + w => firefox
+Win + v => discord
+Win + d => wofi (Run Launcher)
+PrintScr => grim (screenshot; look for file in $HOME)
+**** Commands
+Win + q => kill window
+Win + Shift + h => move window to left
+Win + Shift + l => move window to right
+Win + Shift + k => move window up
+Win + Shift + j => move window down
+Win + h => move window focus to left
+Win + l => move window focus to right
+Win + k => move window focus up
+Win + j => move window focus down
+** Initialization
+To get into a graphical hyprland environment, use type ~h~ into the tty after logging in. This will
+take you stright to the graphical session.
+** Passwords
+Passwords will be managed by sops-nix in the future, but for now they are managed
+with the ~pass~ password manager. To initialize the password store, see
+[[https://www.passwordstore.org/][the documentation]]. Be sure to add an entry called ~Mail~:
+#+begin_src shell
+pass add Mail
+and enter your imaps and smtps password.
+** Git
+In ~home.nix~, change the signing key to your own gpg key. When you git commit, emacs will be your pinentry
+device, meaning you will enter the encryption password from emacs.
+** Email
+Email is done from within emacs with mu4e with ~SPC o m~. To initialize mail, run:
+#+begin_src shell
+ mbsync prestonpan # see mbsyncrc section of home.nix, change prestonpan to something else there
+ # then run this command with that changed name.
+ mu init --maildir=~/email/mbsyncmail/
+ mu index
+Note that a prerequisite is initializing ~pass~ and adding a ~Mail~ entry. Be sure to change the imaps
+and smtps address in the mbsync and msmtp configurations as well as the usernames.
+** Firefox
+On launch, make sure you enable all the plugins by going into the three bar tab on the right corner and
+enabling all the automatically installed extensions. Then, optionally, visit the
+[[https://github.com/catppuccin/firefox][catppuccin firefox theme]] website and use the Firefox Color install method.
+** Discord
+Optionally, go to user settings > Vencord > Themes > Online Themes. Then, install [[https://github.com/catppuccin/discord][this theme]] by pasting the one-liner in:
+#+begin_src css
+ @import url("https://catppuccin.github.io/discord/dist/catppuccin-mocha-pink.theme.css");
+** Waybar
+If the bar is not displaying, get your monitor name with ~hyprctl monitors~. Then, in the ~home.nix~ configuration
+replace ~LVDS-1~ with whatever your monitor name is that you want the bar to be displayed in. The battery percentage
+may not be displayed. If it isn't, then change ~BAT0~ with whatever you see when you run ~ls /sys/class/power_supply~,
+assuming you have a laptop with a battery. After that, it should work normally.
+** Music
+Replace all mention of ~/home/preston/~ in the mpd configuration of ~home.nix~ with whatever your home directory is.
+Place your music files in ~$HOME/music~ and run ~mpc update~, then ~mpc add /~. This should add all your music in
+~$HOME/music~ to the playlist to be read by the emacs program ~emms~.
+** Emacs
+This will be quite the large section as there will be much to explain. Just clone my entire website:
+#+begin_src shell
+ mkdir ~/org/
+ git clone https://github.com/ret2pop/ret2pop-website ~/org/website
+/Then/ start emacs. On first initialization, make sure to run:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ M-x pdf-tools-install
+ M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts
+ M-x nerd-icons-install-fonts
+then restart. This will make emacs look not ugly. Then, if you cloned my website, everything should work, although
+you should remove my journal entries and all my files in ~mindmap~ and replace them with your own.
+*** Keybindings
+*** IRC
+In the config, replace the IRC configuration (server and name) with your own.
+*** ellama
+Run ~ollama pull zephyr~ to get the zephyr ollama model.
+*** Mu4e
+After following the email advice from above, change my mail address and name to your own.
+*** Agenda
+Make a file ~$HOME/org/agenda.org~. From there, just google org-agenda.
+*** Ox-publish
+Steal the css stylesheet I use from the root of my website directory, and copy the layout of it.
+Honestly, I will finish explaining how I manage my website later because it's a little bit pain
+to explain in a concise manner.
+*** Elfeed
+Change my RSS feeds out in ~$HOME/org/website/config/elfeed.org~ with ones you want to read.
+*** Stem Mode
+[[https://github.com/ret2pop/stem][Stem]] is a programming language that I wrote, and in order for code blocks and syntax highlighting
+to work, you need to install [[https://github.com/ret2pop/stem-mode][stem-mode]]. Or, you can get rid of stem-mode in the emacs configuration.
+** Postamble
+Once you've done all those things, you can call the system yours! You've successfully ripped out any part
+of the configuration that names me or any of the gpg or ssh keys that I own.