path: root/config/qtile.org
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'config/qtile.org')
1 files changed, 286 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/config/qtile.org b/config/qtile.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75f90e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/qtile.org
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+#+title: My Qtile Config (Mocha)
+#+author: Preston Pan
+#+date: <2023-06-09 Fri>
+#+description: a catppuccin qtile configuration written in emacs
+#+html_head: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../style.css" />
+* Goals
+** We want the configuration to have efficient and ergonomic keybindings.
+Commonly used keybindings should be two keys, less common ones should use more.
+** We want it to work with other programs that it references.
+For example, the qutebrowser and qtile configurations should not cause conflict
+and they should have mutual consistency.
+*** This will therefore make the configuration self sufficient.
+** General enough that it will work for most purposes.
+Specialized programs or tools should be in a separate section which will make
+it easy to parse and remove.
+* Configuration
+** Imports and Definitions
+All of this is also in the default configuration.
+#+begin_src python :tangle config.py
+from libqtile import bar, layout, widget
+from libqtile.config import Click, Drag, Group, Key, Match, Screen
+from libqtile.lazy import lazy
+from libqtile.utils import guess_terminal
+from libqtile import hook
+from libqtile.backend.wayland import InputConfig
+import os
+import subprocess
+mod = "mod4"
+terminal = guess_terminal()
+wl_import_rules = None
+auto_minimize = True
+wmname = "LG3D"
+** Hex Colors
+We then load the catppuccin colors for the bar and window borders.
+#+begin_src python :tangle config.py
+def get_colors():
+ return [
+ # Normal colors
+ '#45475a',
+ '#f38ba8',
+ '#a6e3a1',
+ '#f9e2af',
+ '#89b4fa',
+ '#f5c2e7',
+ '#94e2d5',
+ '#bac2de',
+ # Bright colors
+ '#585b70',
+ '#f38ba8',
+ '#a6e3a1',
+ '#f9e2af',
+ '#89b4fa',
+ '#f5c2e7',
+ '#94e2d5',
+ '#a6adc8',
+ # background
+ '#1e1e2e',
+ # foreground
+ '#cdd6f4',
+ ]
+colors = get_colors()
+** Keybindings
+The _keys_ variable is going to be our final list of keybindings. We start by initializing it
+wth our window manipulation bindings with vim keys:
+*** Focus controls
+Vi inspired keybindings to manipulate focus:
+#+begin_src python :tangle config.py
+keys = [
+ Key([mod], "h", lazy.layout.left(), desc="Move focus to left"),
+ Key([mod], "l", lazy.layout.right(), desc="Move focus to right"),
+ Key([mod], "j", lazy.layout.down(), desc="Move focus down"),
+ Key([mod], "k", lazy.layout.up(), desc="Move focus up"),
+ Key([mod], "space", lazy.layout.next(), desc="Move window focus to other window"),
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "h", lazy.layout.shuffle_left(), desc="Move window to the left"),
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "l", lazy.layout.shuffle_right(), desc="Move window to the right"),
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "j", lazy.layout.shuffle_down(), desc="Move window down"),
+ Key([mod, "shift"], "k", lazy.layout.shuffle_up(), desc="Move window up"),
+ Key([mod, "control"], "h", lazy.layout.grow_left(), desc="Grow window to the left"),
+ Key([mod, "control"], "l", lazy.layout.grow_right(), desc="Grow window to the right"),
+ Key([mod, "control"], "j", lazy.layout.grow_down(), desc="Grow window down"),
+ Key([mod, "control"], "k", lazy.layout.grow_up(), desc="Grow window up"),
+ Key([mod], "n", lazy.layout.normalize(), desc="Reset all window sizes"),
+ Key(
+ [mod, "shift"],
+ "Return",
+ lazy.layout.toggle_split(),
+ desc="Toggle between split and unsplit sides of stack",
+ ),
+ Key([mod], "Tab", lazy.next_layout(), desc="Toggle between layouts"),
+*** Quit/Restart
+#+begin_src python :tangle config.py
+ Key([mod], "q", lazy.window.kill(), desc="Kill focused window"),
+ Key([mod, "control"], "r", lazy.reload_config(), desc="Reload the config"),
+ Key([mod, "control"], "q", lazy.shutdown(), desc="Shutdown Qtile"),
+*** Programs
+These are our keybindings for user programs.
+#+begin_src python :tangle config.py
+ Key([mod], "r", lazy.spawncmd(), desc="Spawn a command using a prompt widget"),
+ Key([mod], "Return", lazy.spawn(terminal), desc="Launch terminal"),
+ Key([mod], "e", lazy.spawn("emacs"), desc="Run emacs"),
+ Key([mod], "w", lazy.spawn("qutebrowser"), desc="Run Qutebrowser"),
+ Key([mod], "f", lazy.spawn("firefox"), desc="Run Firefox"),
+ Key([mod], "b", lazy.spawn("blender"), desc="Run Blender"),
+ Key([mod], "p", lazy.spawn("krita"), desc="Run Krita"),
+ Key([mod], "t", lazy.spawn("torbrowser-launcher"), desc="Run Tor Browser"),
+ Key([mod], "i", lazy.spawn("emacsclient --eval \"(emacs-everywhere)\""), desc="Emacs Everywhere!"),
+*** XF86
+Now we need keybindings for the function keys:
+#+begin_src python :tangle config.py
+ Key([], 'XF86AudioLowerVolume', lazy.spawn("pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5%")),
+ Key([], 'XF86AudioRaiseVolume', lazy.spawn("pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5%")),
+ Key([], 'XF86AudioMute', lazy.spawn("pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle")),
+ Key([], 'XF86MonBrightnessUp', lazy.spawn("light -A 10")),
+ Key([], 'XF86MonBrightnessDown', lazy.spawn("light -U 10")),
+ Key([], 'XF86AudioNext', lazy.spawn("mpc next")),
+ Key([], 'XF86AudioPrev', lazy.spawn("mpc prev")),
+ Key([], "XF86AudioPlay", lazy.spawn("mpc toggle"), desc="Play/Pause player"),
+** Groups
+Now we name our groups:
+#+begin_src python :tangle config.py
+groups = [Group(i) for i in "123456789"]
+for i in groups:
+ keys.extend(
+ [
+ Key(
+ [mod],
+ i.name,
+ lazy.group[i.name].toscreen(),
+ desc="Switch to group {}".format(i.name),
+ ),
+ Key(
+ [mod, "shift"],
+ i.name,
+ lazy.window.togroup(i.name, switch_group=True),
+ desc="Switch to & move focused window to group {}".format(i.name),
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
+** Layouts
+This is our list of enabled layouts. You can enable more of them if you want.
+#+begin_src python :tangle config.py
+layouts = [
+ layout.Columns(border_focus=colors[2], border_normal=colors[0], border_width=4, margin=7),
+ layout.Max(),
+ # Try more layouts by unleashing below layouts.
+ # layout.Stack(num_stacks=2),
+ # layout.Bsp(),
+ # layout.Matrix(),
+ # layout.MonadTall(),
+ # layout.MonadWide(),
+ # layout.RatioTile(),
+ # layout.Tile(),
+ # layout.TreeTab(),
+ # layout.VerticalTile(),
+ # layout.Zoomy(),
+** Bar
+#+begin_src python :tangle config.py
+widget_defaults = dict(
+ font="FiraCode Nerd Font",
+ fontsize=16,
+ padding=4,
+ foreground=colors[17],
+ background=colors[16],
+extension_defaults = widget_defaults.copy()
+screens = [
+ Screen(
+ top=bar.Bar(
+ [
+ # widget.CurrentLayout(),
+ widget.GroupBox(active=colors[6], inactive=colors[15], this_current_screen_border=colors[4], highlight_color=colors[3]),
+ widget.Prompt(),
+ widget.WindowName(),
+ widget.Chord(
+ chords_colors={
+ "launch": ("#ff0000", "#ffffff"),
+ },
+ name_transform=lambda name: name.upper(),
+ ),
+ # widget.StatusNotifier(),
+ widget.Systray(),
+ widget.Battery(charge_char="🔋", discharge_char="🔋", full_char="🔋", format="{char} {percent:2.0%}"),
+ # widget.TextBox("|", foreground=colors[1]),
+ widget.Sep(padding=16, size_percent=80, foreground=colors[1]),
+ widget.Clock(format="🕒 %a %I:%M %p"),
+ widget.Sep(padding=16, size_percent=80, foreground=colors[1]),
+ widget.Mpd2(),
+ widget.TextBox(" "),
+ ],
+ 24,
+ # border_width=[2, 0, 2, 0], # Draw top and bottom borders
+ # border_color=["ff00ff", "000000", "ff00ff", "000000"] # Borders are magenta
+ ),
+ bottom=bar.Gap(4),
+ left=bar.Gap(3),
+ right=bar.Gap(3),
+ ),
+** Mouse
+We configure the mouse to interact with floating windows.
+#+begin_src python :tangle config.py
+mouse = [
+ Drag([mod], "Button1", lazy.window.set_position_floating(), start=lazy.window.get_position()),
+ Drag([mod], "Button3", lazy.window.set_size_floating(), start=lazy.window.get_size()),
+ Click([mod], "Button2", lazy.window.bring_to_front()),
+Also, we need to toggle some options:
+#+begin_src python :tangle config.py
+dgroups_app_rules = [] # type: list
+follow_mouse_focus = True
+bring_front_click = False
+cursor_warp = False
+And then we add the applications that need to start in floating:
+#+begin_src python :tangle config.py
+floating_layout = layout.Floating(
+ float_rules=[
+ # Run the utility of `xprop` to see the wm class and name of an X client.
+ *layout.Floating.default_float_rules,
+ Match(wm_class="confirmreset"), # gitk
+ Match(wm_class="makebranch"), # gitk
+ Match(wm_class="maketag"), # gitk
+ Match(wm_class="ssh-askpass"), # ssh-askpass
+ Match(title="branchdialog"), # gitk
+ Match(title="pinentry"), # GPG key password entry
+ ]
+** I have no idea what these are
+but they work for some reason.
+#+begin_src python :tangle config.py
+auto_fullscreen = True
+focus_on_window_activation = "smart"
+reconfigure_screens = True
+** Autostart
+If we used wayland, then we must autostart here:
+#+begin_src python :tangle config.py
+def autostart():
+ home = os.path.expanduser("~")
+ subprocess.call([home + '/.config/qtile/autostart.sh'])
+** Input Rules
+in wayland, setxkbmap is not possible. Therefore:
+#+begin_src python :tangle config.py
+wl_input_rules = {
+ "1267:12377:ELAN1300:00 04F3:3059 Touchpad": InputConfig(left_handed=True),
+ "*": InputConfig(left_handed=True, pointer_accel=True),
+ "type:keyboard": InputConfig(kb_options="caps:swapescape,compose:ralt"),