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4 files changed, 295 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/about.org b/about.org
index fe95fea..8cb8510 100644
--- a/about.org
+++ b/about.org
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#+title: About
#+author: Preston Pan
-#+description: About me and my contacts
+#+description: About me and my contact information
#+html_head: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
#+language: en
#+OPTIONS: broken-links:t
diff --git a/blog/stem.org b/blog/stem.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5d77ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blog/stem.org
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+#+title: Stem
+#+author: Preston Pan
+#+description: My own concatenative programming language
+#+html_head: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../style.css" />
+#+language: en
+#+OPTIONS: broken-links:t
+* Introduction
+Stem is an interpreted concatenative programming language, which is general
+purpose and features a foreign language interface (FLI), as well as metaprogramming
+capabilities. Here, I document the syntax a general guide of programming in the language,
+as well as some of the process of making it. I will also cover adding new functions
+and objects from the foreign language interface by writing C libraries.
+If you don't know what any of that means, that is okay. I will go over the programming language as if this
+is your first programming language, as stem is one of the most simple programming languages
+that is feasible for practical use. For information on how to install stem on MacOS or Linux, see [[https://github.com/ret2pop/stem][the github page]].
+* Language Design
+In stem, all information is stored on what's called /the stack/, and there are things that you can put on the stack.
+There is also another type of thing you can do in stem, but that'll have to wait until later. For now, to simplify
+the explanation, we'll say that /everything that you can do in the programming language stores some information/,
+and where that information is stored is this thing called /the stack/. With that being said, we will have to define
+the /what you can do/ part and the /stack/ part in order for you to be able to program in this language.
+** Things that can be Stored in the Stack
+We call things that can be stored on the stack /literals/. They can be in four different forms, of which two are immediately easy to understand:
+/strings/, or basically any english phrase or list of characters that you want to store, and /numbers/. Strings look like this:
+#+begin_src stem
+"this is a string!" "1234678876" "this too is a string" "asdfghjkl"
+and numbers look like this:
+#+begin_src stem
+50 3.1415 1000000
+The third type of literal is called a /quote/. You can imagine a quote as an ordered list of other literals:
+#+begin_src stem
+[ "hello" 50 3.14 [ "inside another quote" ] ]
+between the '[' and the ']' character, you can see a list of four different literals. Because a quote is also another type of literal,
+quotes can store other quotes. The /fourth/ type of literal we will talk about later, as it is not /just/ a literal.
+** The Stack
+Now it is time to talk about the stack. The stack is what stores the literals, of course as we know, but /how/ does it store the literals,
+and for what purpose? It stores the literals like a regular stack of objects, such as a stack of plates, would in real life. When something is
+put on the stack, it is on the /top/ of the stack. When another object is then put on the stack, /that/ object becomes the new top of the stack,
+and the previous object is under that object. This makes a natural ordering of what is considered /above/ something else on the stack, just like
+a stack of plates each with some information on each of them would in real life. Note that if you had a real life arrangement of these plates,
+you would be able to read the top piece of information on the stack but no others, until you took that plate off the stack. Then, another plate
+would be on the top of the stack, and you would be able to read that plate. This is very much like how stem works, but /how/ do you read information
+from the stack, when we've only described how to /put things/ on the stack? This is where we introduce the full language: a language of not just
+literals, but /words/ with meaning.
+** Words
+/Words/ are the last type of thing that can be put on the stack, but they are special in that they can also /do things/. Thus far, none of the things
+we've talked about can actually add numbers, for example, only store them. /Words/ add meaning to the language, and make it not just a place to store
+data, but rather, /do things/ with the data. Here are some examples of some words:
+#+begin_src stem
+dsc myword myword123 hello_this_is_word IAMAWORDTOO
+But most of these words will actually be put on the stack as well rather than do something. In order for them to do something rather than to be interpreted
+as data, we must /define/ them. Stem comes with a set of predefined words that you can combine in order to make new definitions which are defined
+in terms of a combination of the predefined words, just like in the english language. Next, we'll go over some predefined words.
+** Predefined Words
+To follow along, I suggest after following the instructions on the [[https://github.com/ret2pop/stem][github page]] you go into the stem project folder, find the ~stemlib~ folder, go into it
+with ~cd stemlib~, and then run ~stem repl.stem~. Here you will encounter what is known as the /REPL/, or the read, eval, print loop. What it is called
+doesn't matter. Just know that it runs stem code interactively.
+A basic word that prints out the top thing on the stack and removes it is simply a period:
+#+begin_src stem
+"hello world\n" .
+: hello world
+where the ~\n~ just signifies a newline character, basically just telling it to not print the "hello world" on the same line as the next thing printed.
+You can print the entire stack like so:
+#+begin_src stem
+1 2 3 [ "some quote" ] "string!"
+: 1
+: 2
+: 3
+: Q: [
+: some quote]
+: string!
+Which prints the entire stack, where the bottom-most thing is the top thing on the stack.
+There are also some basic math operations you can do:
+#+begin_src stem
+3 4 + .
+3 4 - .
+3 4 * .
+3.0 4 / .
+: 7
+: -1
+: 12
+: 0.750000
+One can independently verify that these results are accurate. These basic math operations take /two/ things off of the stack, does the operation
+on those two numbers, and then puts them back on the stack. Then, the period character prints the value and pops them off the stack. There are predefined
+words for other mathematical operations too, all listed here:
+#+begin_src stem
+0.0 sin .
+0.0 cos .
+1.0 exp .
+2.5 floor .
+2.5 ceil .
+2.71828 ln .
+: 0.000000
+: 1.000000
+: 2.718282
+: 2.000000
+: 3.000000
+: 0.999999
+These operations I will assume you are familiar with, and one can independently verify their (approximate) validity. There are also comparison
+and logical operations:
+#+begin_src stem
+"hi" "hi" = .
+4 3 = .
+3 4 < .
+3 4 > .
+3 4 <= .
+3 4 >= .
+1 0 and
+1 1 and
+0 0 or
+0 1 or
+: 1
+: 0
+: 1
+: 0
+: 1
+: 0
+Which compare the first number to the second number with a certain operation like "greater than or equals to". The result is a zero or one, indicating
+that the statement is either /true/ or /false/, with 1 being true. With these statements, you can make decisions:
+#+begin_src stem
+3 4 < [ "3 < 4" . ] [ "3 >= 4" . ] if
+: 3 < 4
+where the word ~if~ just checks if the third thing from the top of the stack (the first thing you write) is a zero or a one, and if it is, then execute
+whatever's inside the first quote, otherwise execute the second quote. Note that this wording is a little bit confusing because the /first thing you write/
+is also the /last thing on the stack/ because adding new things to the stack puts the first thing /below/ the second.
+Now, also observe that inside the quotes we are storing valid code. This will become important later on as we introduce the concept of /metaprogramming/. First,
+though, we have to introduce a couple more important predefined words.
+#+begin_src stem
+[ "hello world!\n" . ] eval
+3 quote .
+[ 1 2 ] [ 3 4 ] compose .
+1 [ 2 3 ] curry .
+hello world!
+Q: [
+Q: [
+Q: [
+~eval~ evaluates the top of the stack as if it were a piece of code; ~quote~ puts the top of the stack in a quote and then pushes it back to
+the top of the stack; ~compose~ combines two quotes into one; and ~curry~ puts a value in the front of the quote. Note that some of these operations
+work for strings as well:
+#+begin_src stem
+"hello " "world\n" compose .
+: hello world
+And some other words that we use to operate on quotes and strings are here:
+#+begin_src stem
+[ 1 2 3 4 ] 1 cut . .
+0 [ 5 6 7 8 ] vat .
+"hello\nworld\n" 6 cut . .
+1 "asdfghjkl;" vat .
+Q: [
+Q: [
+~cut~ cuts a string or quote into two, where the number in front tells ~cut~ /where/ to cut. Note that normally in programming numbering starts
+at 0, so 1 is actually the /second/ element of the quote. ~vat~ gets the nth element, where n is the /first/ value passed into ~vat~. It also returns the quote or string
+on the stack back after, with the value at that index on top. There are two more words that we have to define:
+#+begin_src stem
+1 2 swap . .
+1 2 . .
+1 2 5 [ + ] dip . .
+: 1
+: 2
+: 2
+: 1
+: 5
+: 3
+~swap~ just swaps the top two numbers on the stack, and ~dip~ is just ~eval~ except it does the operation one layer below. In this example, it adds 1 and 2
+instead of 2 and 5, thus you see a 5 and a 3 printed instead. Note that there are more words, but we won't need them for now. Now, we are ready to investigate
+how to define words in terms of other words, or so-called /compound words/.
+** Compound Words
+Compound words, or words made up of other words (and literals), are created with yet /another/ word, ~def~. ~def~ takes an undefined word
+(all undefined words are just put on the stack) and a quote, and then from there on the word in question is defined as that quote, where whenever
+stem sees that word in the future, it immediately ~eval~'s that quote.
+#+begin_src stem
+hello [ "hello world\n" . ] def
+: hello world
+In order to put words on the stack instead of calling them, just escape them:
+#+begin_src stem
+\def .
+: W: def
+Now, so far, we have discussed making decisions with ~if~, doing various operations and evaluating quotes in a multitude of ways. What we /haven't/ covered
+is executing the same code some amount of times, or ~looping~. In this language, all looping is done by defining words that call themselves, or what's
+called /recursion/.
+** Recursion
+We can loop in stem by defining a word that calls itself:
+#+begin_src stem
+loop-forever [ "hello world\n" . loop-forever ] def
+Now, we /don't actually/ want to run this because it will just keep on printing hello world forever, without stopping, and we might want to constrain how
+much it loops. We can do this by only looping under some condition:
+#+begin_src stem
+loop-some [ dup 0 <= [ ] [ dup . 1 - loop-some ] if ] def
+4 loop-some
+: 4
+: 3
+: 2
+: 1
+and we can see that it actually loops. You can modify the code to do more complex looping, and in the standard library (the ~stemlib~ folder), there is
+a ~loop~ function that loops any code any amount of times, written by Matthew Hinton.
diff --git a/index.org b/index.org
index 381a691..43087aa 100644
--- a/index.org
+++ b/index.org
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#+title: Introducing ret2pop
#+author: Preston Pan
#+date: <2023-06-09 Fri>
-#+description: My personal website
+#+description: A website full of wonder and explanation
#+html_head: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
#+html_head: <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="/apple-touch-icon.png">
#+html_head: <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="/favicon-32x32.png">
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ website:
#+begin_src shell :exports code :results silent
cd ~/org/website
git add .
-git commit -m "add copyright symbol for real"
+git commit -m "add blog post"
git push github main
rsync -azvP ~/website_html/ root@nullring.xyz:/var/www/ret2pop/
diff --git a/mindmap/recursion.org b/mindmap/recursion.org
index cbf6dad..a23838e 100644
--- a/mindmap/recursion.org
+++ b/mindmap/recursion.org
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#+html_head: <script id="MathJax-script" async src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mathjax@3/es5/tex-mml-chtml.js"></script>
#+startup: latexpreview
#+OPTIONS: broken-links:t
+#+description: A description of recursive hierarchies in everything.
* Recursion is Recursion
Exactly as I say in the title.
** but what is recursion?