* Introduction HyprNixMacs is a configuration that centers around the usage of NixOS and Emacs. Note that at the time of writing, I use hyprland as my window manager, but that might change, and therefore hyprnixmacs may not be as accurate of a name. ** Why Not EXWM? Because emacs is blocking, and I want to use wayland because it's much better and there's much less cruft. * Installation Simply clone the contents of this repository to ~/etc/nixos/~ and run ~sudo nixos-rebuild switch~. Note that afterwards you will need a ~$HOME/.password-store~ in user ~preston~ which has an entry named ~Mail~, as well as a ~~/org/website/~ directory made by cloning my [[https://github.com/ret2pop/ret2pop-website][ret2pop website]] repository to that location. Here are all the commands: #+begin_src shell # run as root # create backup of hardware-configuration.nix and put it back there after git clone https://github.com/ret2pop/hyprnixmacs.git /etc/nixos/ # put hardware-configuration.nix back in /etc/nixos nixos-rebuild switch su preston # copy over gpg and ssh keys git clone root@nullring.xyz:/var/git/password-store.git ~/.password-store/ mkdir ~/org git clone https://github.com/ret2pop/ret2pop-website ~/org/website/ # get music and put it in ~/music #+end_src this process can be highly automated via [[https://github.com/nix-community/nixos-anywhere][NixOS Anywhere]]. Once you have my system with your own gpg and ssh keys, you can read the following section. * Usage Make sure that before you use the configuration, all the me-specific configuration is ripped out and replaced with yours. For instance, any mention of my name in ~configuration.nix~, ~home.nix~, the emacs config, or ~flake.nix~ should be replaced with mentions of your name, and stuff like server configurations for email or IRC should be replaced with your own configurations. The system by default is called ~continuity~. If you don't like this hostname, you can replace it in ~configuration.nix~ and ~flake.nix~ with something else. ** Hyprland *** Wallpaper To change the wallpaper, change the ~swww add~ line to another wallpaper in my [[https://github.com/ret2pop/wallpapers][wallpapers repository]]. *** Keybindings **** Programs #+begin_example Win + Return => kitty (Terminal) Win + e => emacs Win + w => firefox Win + v => discord Win + d => wofi (Run Launcher) PrintScr => grim (screenshot; look for file in $HOME) #+end_example **** Commands #+begin_example Win + q => kill window Win + Shift + h => move window to left Win + Shift + l => move window to right Win + Shift + k => move window up Win + Shift + j => move window down Win + h => move window focus to left Win + l => move window focus to right Win + k => move window focus up Win + j => move window focus down #+end_example ** Initialization To get into a graphical hyprland environment, use type ~h~ into the tty after logging in. This will take you stright to the graphical session. ** Passwords Passwords will be managed by sops-nix in the future, but for now they are managed with the ~pass~ password manager. To initialize the password store, see [[https://www.passwordstore.org/][the documentation]]. Be sure to add an entry called ~Mail~: #+begin_src shell pass add Mail #+end_src and enter your imaps and smtps password. ** Git In ~home.nix~, change the signing key to your own gpg key. When you git commit, emacs will be your pinentry device, meaning you will enter the encryption password from emacs. ** Email Email is done from within emacs with mu4e with ~SPC o m~. To initialize mail, run: #+begin_src shell mbsync prestonpan # see mbsyncrc section of home.nix, change prestonpan to something else there # then run this command with that changed name. mu init --maildir=~/email/mbsyncmail/ mu index #+end_src Note that a prerequisite is initializing ~pass~ and adding a ~Mail~ entry. Be sure to change the imaps and smtps address in the mbsync and msmtp configurations as well as the usernames. ** Firefox On launch, make sure you enable all the plugins by going into the three bar tab on the right corner and enabling all the automatically installed extensions. Then, optionally, visit the [[https://github.com/catppuccin/firefox][catppuccin firefox theme]] website and use the Firefox Color install method. ** Discord Optionally, go to user settings > Vencord > Themes > Online Themes. Then, install [[https://github.com/catppuccin/discord][this theme]] by pasting the one-liner in: #+begin_src css @import url("https://catppuccin.github.io/discord/dist/catppuccin-mocha-pink.theme.css"); #+end_src ** Waybar If the bar is not displaying, get your monitor name with ~hyprctl monitors~. Then, in the ~home.nix~ configuration replace ~LVDS-1~ with whatever your monitor name is that you want the bar to be displayed in. The battery percentage may not be displayed. If it isn't, then change ~BAT0~ with whatever you see when you run ~ls /sys/class/power_supply~, assuming you have a laptop with a battery. After that, it should work normally. ** Music Replace all mention of ~/home/preston/~ in the mpd configuration of ~home.nix~ with whatever your home directory is. Place your music files in ~$HOME/music~ and run ~mpc update~, then ~mpc add /~. This should add all your music in ~$HOME/music~ to the playlist to be read by the emacs program ~emms~. ** Emacs This will be quite the large section as there will be much to explain. Just clone my entire website: #+begin_src shell mkdir ~/org/ git clone https://github.com/ret2pop/ret2pop-website ~/org/website #+end_src /Then/ start emacs. On first initialization, make sure to run: #+begin_src emacs-lisp M-x pdf-tools-install M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts M-x nerd-icons-install-fonts #+end_src then restart. This will make emacs look not ugly. Then, if you cloned my website, everything should work, although you should remove my journal entries and all my files in ~mindmap~ and replace them with your own. *** Keybindings *** IRC In the config, replace the IRC configuration (server and name) with your own. *** ellama Run ~ollama pull zephyr~ to get the zephyr ollama model. *** Mu4e After following the email advice from above, change my mail address and name to your own. *** Agenda Make a file ~$HOME/org/agenda.org~. From there, just google org-agenda. *** Ox-publish Steal the css stylesheet I use from the root of my website directory, and copy the layout of it. Honestly, I will finish explaining how I manage my website later because it's a little bit pain to explain in a concise manner. *** Elfeed Change my RSS feeds out in ~$HOME/org/website/config/elfeed.org~ with ones you want to read. *** Stem Mode [[https://github.com/ret2pop/stem][Stem]] is a programming language that I wrote, and in order for code blocks and syntax highlighting to work, you need to install [[https://github.com/ret2pop/stem-mode][stem-mode]]. Or, you can get rid of stem-mode in the emacs configuration. ** Postamble Once you've done all those things, you can call the system yours! You've successfully ripped out any part of the configuration that names me or any of the gpg or ssh keys that I own.