* Introduction HyprNixMacs is a configuration that centers around the usage of NixOS and Emacs. Note that at the time of writing, I use hyprland as my window manager, but that might change, and therefore hyprnixmacs may not be as accurate of a name. ** Why Not EXWM? Because emacs is blocking, and I want to use wayland because it's much better and there's much less cruft. * Installation Simply clone the contents of this repository to ~/etc/nixos/~ and run ~sudo nixos-rebuild switch~. Note that afterwards you will need a ~$HOME/.password-store~ in user ~preston~ which has an entry named ~Mail~, as well as a ~~/org/website/~ directory made by cloning my [[https://github.com/ret2pop/ret2pop-website][ret2pop website]] repository to that location. Here are all the commands: #+begin_src shell # run as root # create backup of hardware-configuration.nix and put it back there after git clone https://github.com/ret2pop/hyprnixmacs.git /etc/nixos/ # put hardware-configuration.nix back in /etc/nixos nixos-rebuild switch su preston # copy over gpg and ssh keys git clone root@nullring.xyz:/var/git/password-store.git ~/.password-store/ mkdir ~/org git clone https://github.com/ret2pop/ret2pop-website ~/org/website/ # get music and put it in ~/music #+end_src this process can be highly automated via [[https://github.com/nix-community/nixos-anywhere][NixOS Anywhere]].