{ pkgs, config, ... }: let commits = ./commits.nix; in { imports = [ ../../modules/default.nix ]; monorepo.profiles.home.enable = false; monorepo.vars.userName = "nixos"; users.extraUsers.root.password = "nixos"; users.users = { "${config.monorepo.vars.userName}" = { packages = with pkgs; [ gum (writeShellScriptBin "nix_installer" '' #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail if [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]; then echo "ERROR! $(basename "$0") should be run as a regular user" exit 1 fi ping -q -c1 google.com &>/dev/null && echo "online! Proceeding with the installation..." || nmtui cd if [ ! -d "$HOME/toughnix/" ]; then git clone https://git.nullring.xyz/monorepo.git cd monorepo git checkout "${commits.monorepoCommitHash}" fi vim "$HOME/monorepo/nix/modules/default.nix" vim "$HOME/monorepo/nix/modules/vars.nix" sudo nix --experimental-features "nix-command flakes" run "github:nix-community/disko/${commits.diskoCommitHash}" -- --mode destroy,format,mount "$HOME/monorepo/nix/systems/desktop/sda-simple.nix" cd /mnt sudo nixos-install --flake $HOME/monorepo/nix#continuity sudo cp $HOME/monorepo "/mnt/home/$(ls /mnt/home/)/" echo "rebooting..."; sleep 3; reboot '') ]; }; }; systemd = { services.sshd.wantedBy = pkgs.lib.mkForce [ "multi-user.target" ]; targets = { sleep.enable = false; suspend.enable = false; hibernate.enable = false; hybrid-sleep.enable = false; }; }; }