:PROPERTIES: :ID: a6bc601a-7910-44bb-afd5-dffa5bc869b1 :END: #+title: mathematics #+author: Preston Pan #+html_head: #+html_head: #+html_head: * Mathematics is Logic With a couple of set theory axioms. One might describe it as an extrapolation framework without grounding (i.e. a set of implications; if p then q, but never specifying if p is a property of a real system or not). Therefore, mathematics is suitable for modeling other things if we believe those other things have some rules and are logically consistent. There are many subfields in math, ranging from group theory to complex analysis. However, much of the time we are able to find morphisms between these different fields in mathematics, which we model using category theory. ** Mathematical Models *** [[id:ece8bf94-4e3c-4939-a77a-9949c1ec0dc6][Physics]] Physics is the study of the natural world and its laws, usually resorting to a mathematical framework. *** Economics the study of human behavior; generally speaking, economists use mathematical models for models of the macroeconomy.