:PROPERTIES: :ID: 1b1a8cff-1d20-4689-8466-ea88411007d7 :END: #+title: duality #+author: Preston Pan #+html_head: #+date: <2023-06-10 Sat> * is it One or is it Two? Is it me, or is it you? Is it false, or is it true? Many things can be explained by a bimodal or binary system. Everything, from boolean logic to art, any system whose goal is to make a prediction. My hypothesis is that whenever someone believes something, the opposite belief is equally valid. In order to demonstrate, let me introduce: ** The Great Filter No, not the one about aliens dying or something. I'm talking about the everyday systems that you use in order to make predictions about the world. For example, this one, that wants to explain everything. *** The problem of explaining everything Because this is indeed a system that explains everything, I must also demonstrate why it might be impossible to explain everything. I'll give the argument in a short set of syllogisms. 1. If something must explain everything, it must also explain itself. 2. If it explains itself, it means it is circular by definition, and therefore not objective. 3. If it does not explain itself, then it does not explain everything, and it is therefore incomplete. So either the system we're describing is circular, in which case it is arbitrary and subjective, or it is incomplete. So there's no way to construct any system with both qualities. Right? *** The problem with the problem with explaining everything Notice that our above set of syllogisms is extrapolative. This means that it makes predictions about what is possible about a system. Due to this, the system results in some duality: either a valid system is incomplete or subjective. And there's another problem too: the system applies to itself. If either systems are subjective or incomplete, then the system we are using to describe subjective and incomplete systems is also subjective. Which presents a problem: we have no reason to believe that this framework is worth believing in at all! *** The problem with the problem with the problem with explaining everything But the fact that the system applied to itself breaks it is just a confirmation that our predictions are accurate! We predicted that things that explain themselves must be circular, and we were correct! *** etc... The claim is that we can do this forever, although even this statement can go on forever. What's interesting is that it seems like there's an inherent link between duality and [[id:654280d8-82e8-4a0e-a914-bd32181c101b][infinite]] [[id:8f265f93-e5fd-4150-a845-a60ab7063164][recursion]]; infinite self reference. But the real question is: is this statement about frameworks true, or is it false? Well, according to the principle of duality, both of them can be true. ** The Filter is based on what you choose to believe So what you think is true or false is just what you choose to be true or false. Of course, even this statement is an infinite contradiction and confirmation, but what I am trying to communicate is that what you believe filters what's true and what's false, and as a result, leads to different prescriptions, or different actions for the same situation. In this way, frameworks act like filters. They shield us from the infinite opposite side of what we currently believe. Does this "filter" I am describing exist or not? ** Of course it Doesn't! The mindmap explains everything, without a filter. * The problem and solution with duality The theory of duality is self deconstructing and self constructing in the same way via self reference. If the opposite stance is valid, that means that not believing in duality is valid, but that also is a data point that confirms our hypothesis. We're also describing duality using a dual framework here, which is another pretty interesting thought. * Logic Explains Duality Logic is a self affirming structure, and that might give you the clue that it is also self destructing. Nevertheless, one of the axioms of logic is: \begin{align*} p \neq \neg p. \end{align*} This statement filters for binary, or as I would call it, dual mode frameworks, and gets around the principle of explosion. We have an intuitive understanding of truth and falsehood, and we can use those general terms whenever there is a mutually exclusive divide. In short, you can view the logical framework as an abstraction of all other dual frameworks. I propose that you can do analysis on all dual frameworks in much the same way group theory does analysis on groups. * Programming Explains Duality Of course, there is logic in programming, but that is kind of boring. What I am going to explain here is a recursive, binary structure known as the binary tree. It seems like you can model a lot of things in this way as well; John Conway's surreal numbers are a manifestation of this phenomenon. #+begin_src python :exports both :results output class BinaryTreeNode: def __init__(self, value): self.left = None self.right = None self.value = value def insert(self, value): if value < self.value: if self.left is None: self.left = BinaryTreeNode(value) else: self.left.insert(value) else: if self.right is None: self.right = BinaryTreeNode(value) else: self.right.insert(value) #+end_src Currently, all that this binary tree has is an insert method, but that is all that is needed in order to see the [[id:8f265f93-e5fd-4150-a845-a60ab7063164][recursion]] in the structure. Each node "height" is self similar, and it works of a dual-mode sorting algorithm. That is, smaller values go on the left side, and bigger values go on the right side.