#+title: Journal #+author: Preston Pan #+description: My journal entries #+html_head: #+date: <2023-06-09 Fri> #+language: en #+OPTIONS: broken-links:t #+html_head: #+html_head: #+html_head: #+html_head: #+html_head: #+html_head: #+html_head: * Introduction This is my journal. It's basically my everyday life from a technology perspective (not many personal details although there will be some). I will also be posting some TODOs that I have throughout time. ** Entries Here is a list of all my journal entries: #+begin_src shell :results output raw :exports both for f in $(ls | sort -r); do if [[ "$f" == "index.org" || "$f" == "README.org" ]]; then continue fi printf -- "- [[file:$f][$f]]\n" done #+end_src #+RESULTS: - [[file:20240124.org][20240124.org]] - [[file:20240123.org][20240123.org]] - [[file:20240110.org][20240110.org]] - [[file:20231220.org][20231220.org]] - [[file:20231217.org][20231217.org]] - [[file:20231215.org][20231215.org]] - [[file:20231214.org][20231214.org]] - [[file:20231213.org][20231213.org]] - [[file:20231210.org][20231210.org]] - [[file:20231209.org][20231209.org]] - [[file:20231208.org][20231208.org]] - [[file:20230711.org][20230711.org]] - [[file:20230704.org][20230704.org]] - [[file:20230625.org][20230625.org]] - [[file:20230624.org][20230624.org]] - [[file:20230623.org][20230623.org]] - [[file:20230622.org][20230622.org]] - [[file:20230621.org][20230621.org]] - [[file:20230620.org][20230620.org]] - [[file:20230619.org][20230619.org]] - [[file:20230616.org][20230616.org]] - [[file:20230615.org][20230615.org]] - [[file:20230614.org][20230614.org]] - [[file:20230613.org][20230613.org]] - [[file:20230611.org][20230611.org]] - [[file:20230610.org][20230610.org]] - [[file:20230609.org][20230609.org]]