#+TITLE: Daily Journal #+STARTUP: showeverything #+DESCRIPTION: My daily journal entry #+AUTHOR: Preston Pan #+HTML_HEAD: #+html_head: #+html_head: #+options: broken-links:t * Monday, 03 February 2025 ** 03:00 It's 3 am and I'm just up with Marissa and doing some small automation and cleanup tasks. I'm doing these so that I don't really have to think about them again. I also just saw my friend Erfan at his house, and we talked a lot about his work and life. ** 13:54 It's the next day for me practically, and I'm just about to get to work. Reading my agenda and then I'm going to work on some of these agenda items today. I might try to get a VPS working with NixOS and then integrate my server with my DNS domain. I will need to get my IPFS keys from my server onto my local machine, and then probably set up the NixOS machine, change the registrar entries and then destroy the old server.