#+TITLE: Daily Journal #+STARTUP: showeverything #+DESCRIPTION: My daily journal entry #+AUTHOR: Preston Pan #+HTML_HEAD: * Sunday, 11 June 2023 ** 09:05 Today, I am going to work more on the website. First of all, I have to work more on the mindmap. Second, I have to work on the css, and third, I have to generate the links in a way that is non-hacky. Probably with a shell script. I also need to write some LaTeX for the mindmap. I will also make a github repository for this website, probably, which means I'm going to make a README.org. ** 21:20 I made the repository and everything. Now, all I need to do is finish a couple of mindmap articles so that it becomes a cohesive experience. The website also still needs a favicon and I might want to add some of my music to it.