#+title: Introducing ret2pop
#+author: Preston Pan
#+date: <2023-06-09 Fri>
#+description: My personal website
#+language: en
#+OPTIONS: broken-links:t
#+OPTIONS: html-preamble:nil
#+caption: All Hope Abandon, Ye Who Enter Here
Hello! I'm a person on the internet that does things, such as:
- Music
- Programming
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Linguistics
- Thinking
And if you're here to do one of these things, I guarantee you're in the right place!
* [[file:journal/index.org][Journal]]
If you're interested, you can read my [[file:journal/index.org][journal]]. Note that this journal is not my
entire personal life but instead will be a focus on interesting things that I
think of or things that are of a technical nature.
* [[file:blog/index.org][Blog]]
My blog contains many longer writings that do not fit into the mindmap format.
* [[file:mindmap/index.org][Mindmap]]
I also have a mindmap, for those of you who are interested in knowing everything.
** What is a mindmap?
Click the hyperlink to find out! In case you didn't see:
- [[file:mindmap/index.org][Mindmap]]
- [[file:mindmap/index.org][Mindmap]]
- [[file:mindmap/index.org][Mindmap]]
* [[file:config/index.org][Configurations]]
Most of my configurations/dotfiles for various programs are literate configurations, and I
can therefore publish them. So I did! Configurations include:
- doom emacs
- QTile
- QuteBrowser
- Elfeed
…and many more!
* [[https://github.com/ret2pop][Projects]]
My programming projects can be found on my github; other projects that do not directly pertain
to my projects on github or need a more in-depth explanation are explained further in my blog.
* [[https://youtube.com/@ret2pop][Music and Media]]
Most of the music that I have recorded can be found on my Youtube channel. Note that it will also
contain other things that I filmed.
* [[file:about.org][About]]
Who is the man behind ret2pop? How do you contact him? So many mysteries await…
** About this Website
I wrote this website in org mode. For more information, see the [[file:README.org][README]]. Here is how I upload my
#+begin_src shell :exports code :results silent
cd ~/org/website
git add .
git commit -m "add more information for about site"
git push github main
rsync -azvP ~/website_html/ root@nullring.xyz:/var/www/ret2pop/
| [main | 3f83226] | is | my | website | fixed? | | | | | | |
| 1 | file | changed, | 4 | insertions(+), | 4 | deletions(-) | | | | | |
| sending | incremental | file | list | | | | | | | | |
| index.html | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 1,400 | 10% | 0.00kB/s | 0:00:00 |
| 13,211 | 100% | 11.26MB/s | 0:00:00 | (xfr#1, | to-chk=91/102) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| sent | 3,964 | bytes | received | 154 | bytes | 1,647.20 | bytes/sec | | | | |
| total | size | is | 1,868,773 | speedup | is | 453.81 | | | | | |
No, seriously, this is how I update my website. This code block right here. That's right, this website will be filled
with code blocks that both act as /examples/ of how the website might be maintained, but also run the commands themselves.
I run these code blocks from within org files in order to actually execute the commands!