#+TITLE: My Blog #+AUTHOR: Preston Pan #+DATE: <2023-06-14 Wed> #+DESCRIPTION: List of all my blogs in alphabetical order #+html_head: #+language: en #+OPTIONS: broken-links:t * Why? I want a place where I can write long form essays about subjects without being constrained by any particular form, like in the mindmap. ** Why not the Journal, then? This blog is not going to be for my personal life in any capacity, technical or otherwise. Think about the blog like a mix between the wiki format of the mindmap and the journal format. * Blog Articles #+begin_src shell :results output raw :exports both for f in *; do if [[ "$f" == "index.org" ]]; then continue fi printf -- "- [[file:$f][$f]]\n" done #+end_src #+RESULTS: