#+title: Agenda #+author: Preston Pan #+description: My public agenda for the next while. #+html_head: #+language: en #+OPTIONS: broken-links:t #+date: <2025-01-09 Thu> #+html_head: #+html_head: #+html_head: #+html_head: #+html_head: #+html_head: #+html_head: This agenda is a public list of things that I need to keep track of. This is public because I also keep a private version, and if anyone wants to know what I'm up to or the status of a certain project, it can be referenced here. * Tasks These are general life tasks that I need to do, which don't depend on a specific time or date. ** TODO [#B] ToughNix I need to work on my monorepo flake which builds all my systems, and should accommodate future systems and also should be relatively abstractable (i.e. identifiers tied to me should be easily removed from the flake). *** TODO [#B] Migration Migrate all my services to NixOS. ** TODO [#B] CSS I need to update my CSS for my website to look better. ** TODO [#B] Nullring Update the nullring to be in org mode, and also include a couple more sites. ** TODO [#B] Umami My client server protocol needs to continue to be written. I also need to make a git repository for it. ** Music and Media *** TODO [#B] Write Another Song I want to write another song. *** TODO [#B] Make A YouTube Video I want to start making YouTube videos. ** TODO [#C] Analogue Computer I want to make an analogue computer. * Academic ** TODO Statistics ** TODO QFT ** TODO GM * Scheduled tasks These are one-time tasks that are scheduled at a particular date, and that don't require regular schedules. ** Friends These are tasks related to seeing my friends. There will be tasks listed here when I schedule something. * Habits These are some habits I want to track. They are repeated according to a calendar schedule in general. ** TODO Stretch SCHEDULED: <2025-02-12 Wed .+1d> :PROPERTIES: :LAST_REPEAT: [2025-02-11 Tue 04:01] :END: - State "DONE" from "TODO" [2025-02-11 Tue 04:01] - State "DONE" from "TODO" [2025-01-11 Sat 02:26] I want to stretch every day so that I can become more flexible. ** TODO Journal SCHEDULED: <2025-02-12 Wed .+1d> :PROPERTIES: :LAST_REPEAT: [2025-02-11 Tue 04:01] :END: - State "DONE" from "TODO" [2025-02-11 Tue 04:01] - State "DONE" from "TODO" [2025-02-03 Mon 13:57] - State "DONE" from "TODO" [2025-02-03 Mon 03:01] - State "DONE" from "TODO" [2025-01-19 Sun 11:53] - State "DONE" from "TODO" [2025-01-16 Thu 19:19] - State "DONE" from "TODO" [2025-01-11 Sat 02:25] I want to journal every day, at least a little bit, about my life and track it with a git repo.