#+title: About #+author: Preston Pan #+description: About me and my contact information #+html_head: #+language: en #+OPTIONS: broken-links:t #+date: <2023-06-26 Mon> #+html_head: #+html_head: #+html_head: #+html_head: #+html_head: #+html_head: #+html_head: * Webrings This website is a part of these webrings: [[https://tommi.space][<]] [[https://nullring.xyz][nullring]] [[https://pen15.agency][>]] * About Me ** whoami? [[https://preston.nullring.xyz][Preston Pan]]. Although, that is not really important for the enjoyment of ret2pop, and it is certainly not the focus at all. Ret2pop is a separate entity, controlled only by the will of Francois. Ret2pop is a relentlessly curious force willing to entertain ideas that are unconventional and unorthodox; Preston Pan is the individual that tries to live this out and fails in a somewhat cringy manner. Some might know me as ret2pop, some as Preston Pan, and others as LiCoO2. Others may know that I have an ENS domain, at ~ret2pop.eth~. ** Contact Here are all the methods you should use to contact me: *** Professional Here you can find [[file:resume.pdf][my resume]] in both pdf and [[file:resume.org][html]] which contains it all. I am always open for new job opportunities! *** IRC - ret2pop on nullring.xyz, 6697. Go to #nullring; this channel is the most active, probably. - ret2pop on libera.chat - Note: I will not always be online and I don't use a bouncer on this server. Email me to coordinate a time if you really need to reach me this way. *** Matrix contact me on matrix at ~ret2pop:social.nullring.xyz~. *** Email - ret2pop@gmail.com - preston@nullring.xyz *** Amateur Radio (In case the world ends) My callsign is ~VE7PPN~. *** Linkedin You can see my [[https://ca.linkedin.com/in/preston-pan-4aa635296][personal linkedin profile]]. *** How Old am I? born in 12/23/2005, but does it really matter? ** Keys This is for all my public keys that are important. Note: for cryptocurrency public keys, see [[file:index.org][the index]] page with all my addresses. Use either your own self hosted scanner, or another public scanner to get my public keys. - This is [[file:public-key.asc][my gpg public key for ret2pop]]. - This is [[file:id_ed25519.pub][my ssh key]]. * Feeds RSS (and Atom feeds) are ways of keeping up-to-date in a minimal and universal way. - [[https://git.nullring.xyz/ret2pop-website.git/?format=atom][Website Cgit repo atom feed]]