path: root/nix/modules/home/firefox.nix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nix/modules/home/firefox.nix')
1 files changed, 260 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nix/modules/home/firefox.nix b/nix/modules/home/firefox.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea239c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nix/modules/home/firefox.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+{ lib, config, pkgs, ... }:
+ enable = lib.mkDefault config.monorepo.profiles.home.enable;
+ policies = {
+ EnableTrackingProtection = true;
+ OfferToSaveLogins = false;
+ };
+ package = pkgs.firefox-wayland;
+ profiles = {
+ default = {
+ id = 0;
+ name = "default";
+ isDefault = true;
+ extensions = with pkgs.nur.repos.rycee.firefox-addons; [
+ ublock-origin
+ tree-style-tab
+ firefox-color
+ vimium
+ ]
+ ++ (lib.optional
+ config.monorepo.profiles.home.crypto.enable pkgs.nur.repos.rycee.firefox-addons.metamask);
+ settings = {
+ media = {
+ memory_cache_max_size = 65536;
+ cache_readahead_limit = 7200;
+ cache_resume_threshold = 3600;
+ peerconnection.ice = {
+ proxy_only_if_behind_proxy = true;
+ default_address_only = true;
+ };
+ };
+ gfx = {
+ content.skia-font-cache-size = 20;
+ canvas.accelerated = {
+ cache-items = 4096;
+ cache-size = 512;
+ };
+ };
+ network = {
+ http = {
+ max-connections = 1800;
+ max-persistent-connections-per-server = 10;
+ max-urgent-start-excessive-connections-per-host = 5;
+ referer.XOriginTrimmingPolicy = 2;
+ };
+ buffer.cache = {
+ size = 262144;
+ count = 128;
+ };
+ dns = {
+ max_high_priority_threads = 8;
+ disablePrefetch = true;
+ };
+ pacing.requests.enabled = false;
+ dnsCacheExpiration = 3600;
+ ssl_tokens_cache_capacity = 10240;
+ prefetch-next = false;
+ predictor.enabled = false;
+ cookie.sameSite.noneRequiresSecure = true;
+ IDN_show_punycode = true;
+ auth.subresource-http-auth-allow = 1;
+ captive-portal-service.enabled = false;
+ connectivity-service.enabled = false;
+ };
+ browser = {
+ download = {
+ always_ask_before_handling_new_types = true;
+ manager.addToRecentDocs = false;
+ open_pdf_attachments_inline = true;
+ start_downloads_in_tmp_dir = true;
+ };
+ urlbar = {
+ suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored = false;
+ suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored = false;
+ suggest.calculator = true;
+ update2.engineAliasRefresh = true;
+ unitConversion.enabled = true;
+ trending.featureGate = false;
+ };
+ search = {
+ separatePrivateDefault.ui.enabled = true;
+ suggest.enabled = false;
+ };
+ newtabpage.activity-stream = {
+ feeds = {
+ topsites = false;
+ section.topstories = false;
+ telemetry = false;
+ };
+ asrouter.userprefs.cfr = {
+ addons = false;
+ features = false;
+ };
+ telemetry = false;
+ };
+ privatebrowsing = {
+ vpnpromourl = "";
+ forceMediaMemoryCache = true;
+ };
+ display = {
+ focus_ring_on_anything = true;
+ focus_ring_style = 0;
+ focus_ring_width = 0;
+ };
+ cache.jsbc_compression_level = 3;
+ helperApps.deleteTempFileOnExit = true;
+ uitour.enabled = false;
+ sessionstore.interval = 60000;
+ formfill.enable = false;
+ xul.error_pages.expert_bad_cert = true;
+ contentblocking.category = "strict";
+ ping-centre.telemetry = false;
+ discovery.enabled = false;
+ shell.checkDefaultBrowser = false;
+ preferences.moreFromMozilla = false;
+ tabs.tabmanager.enabled = false;
+ aboutConfig.showWarning = false;
+ aboutwelcome.enabled = false;
+ bookmarks.openInTabClosesMenu = false;
+ menu.showViewImageInfo = true;
+ compactmode.show = true;
+ safebrowsing.downloads.remote.enabled = false;
+ tabs.crashReporting.sendReport = false;
+ crashReports.unsubmittedCheck.autoSubmit2 = false;
+ privateWindowSeparation.enabled = false;
+ };
+ security = {
+ mixed_content = {
+ block_display_content = true;
+ upgrade_display_content = true;
+ };
+ insecure_connection_text = {
+ enabled = true;
+ pbmode.enabled = true;
+ };
+ OCSP.enabled = 0;
+ remote_settings.crlite_filters.enabled = true;
+ pki.crlite_mode = 2;
+ ssl.treat_unsafe_negotiation_as_broken = true;
+ tls.enable_0rtt_data = false;
+ };
+ toolkit = {
+ telemetry = {
+ unified = false;
+ enabled = false;
+ server = "data:,";
+ archive.enabled = false;
+ newProfilePing.enabled = false;
+ shutdownPingSender.enabled = false;
+ updatePing.enabled = false;
+ bhrPing.enabled = false;
+ firstShutdownPing.enabled = false;
+ coverage.opt-out = true;
+ };
+ coverage = {
+ opt-out = true;
+ endpoint.base = "";
+ };
+ legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets = true;
+ };
+ dom = {
+ security = {
+ https_first = true;
+ https_first_schemeless = true;
+ sanitizer.enabled = true;
+ };
+ enable_web_task_scheduling = true;
+ };
+ layout = {
+ css = {
+ grid-template-masonry-value.enabled = true;
+ has-selector.enabled = true;
+ prefers-color-scheme.content-override = 2;
+ };
+ word_select.eat_space_to_next_word = false;
+ };
+ urlclassifier = {
+ trackingSkipURLs = "*.reddit.com, *.twitter.com, *.twimg.com, *.tiktok.com";
+ features.socialtracking.skipURLs = "*.instagram.com, *.twitter.com, *.twimg.com";
+ };
+ privacy = {
+ globalprivacycontrol.enabled = true;
+ history.custom = true;
+ userContext.ui.enabled = true;
+ };
+ full-screen-api = {
+ transition-duration = {
+ enter = "0 0";
+ leave = "0 0";
+ };
+ warning = {
+ delay = -1;
+ timeout = 0;
+ };
+ };
+ permissions.default = {
+ desktop-notification = 2;
+ geo = 2;
+ };
+ signon = {
+ formlessCapture.enabled = false;
+ privateBrowsingCapture.enabled = false;
+ };
+ datareporting = {
+ policy.dataSubmissionEnabled = false;
+ healthreport.uploadEnabled = false;
+ };
+ extensions = {
+ pocket.enabled = false;
+ getAddons.showPane = false;
+ htmlaboutaddons.recommendations.enabled = false;
+ postDownloadThirdPartyPrompt = false;
+ };
+ app = {
+ shield.optoutstudies.enabled = false;
+ normandy.enabled = false;
+ normandy.api_url = "";
+ };
+ image.mem.decode_bytes_at_a_time = 32768;
+ editor.truncate_user_pastes = false;
+ pdfjs.enableScripting = false;
+ geo.provider.network.url = "https://location.services.mozilla.com/v1/geolocate?key=%MOZILLA_API_KEY%";
+ permissions.manager.defaultsUrl = "";
+ webchannel.allowObject.urlWhitelist = "";
+ breakpad.reportURL = "";
+ captivedetect.canonicalURL = "";
+ cookiebanners.service.mode = 1;
+ findbar.highlightAll = true;
+ content.notify.interval = 100000;
+ };
+ };
+ };